Luscii - Notice history

Experiencing partially degraded performance

Luscii Web App - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2024 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024

Luscii Android App - Degraded performance

100% - uptime
Aug 2024 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024

Luscii iOS App - Degraded performance

100% - uptime
Aug 2024 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024

Luscii Integrations - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2024 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 99.91%
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024

Luscii Metabase - Operational

Customer portal - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2024 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2024
Sep 2024
Oct 2024

Notice history

Oct 2024

Priority 2: Issue with opening the viewer in HiX due to certificate error
  • Resolved

    The issue with the Chipsoft HiX integration has been resolved. No new problems have been identified.

  • Monitoring

    The issue has been resolved. Chipsoft indicates that patients registered today via the viewer need to be re-linked. Luscii can unfortunately not take any action on this matter, so this requires action from the healthcare providers.

    We are currently doing an extra check if the alerts have come through in HiX correctly. Where necessary, we will try to resend the alerts. However, if an alert has already been closed in the web version, we cannot resend it to the integration.

    For further questions, please contact

  • Identified

    Chipsoft is currently working to resolve the issue preventing the HiX viewer from opening due to a certificate error. Our developers are closely monitoring the situation and providing support as needed.

  • Identified

    Several hospitals are currently experiencing issues with opening the viewer in the HiX integration. The issue seems to be caused by a certificate that isn’t functioning correctly. Our developers have contacted Chipsoft to resolve this.

    Action for healthcare providers: Notifications remain accessible through the web application.

    If your organisation uses this integration and hasn’t reported this issue yet, please contact us via email or through our ticket portal.

    We will publish an InStatus update once more information is available.

    For further questions, please contact

Priority 4 issue: Action from workflow not appearing in healthcare provider’s patient schedule
  • Identified

    There is an issue where a patient performs a measurement that triggers a workflow to schedule an action. Although the action appears correctly to the patient, it is not shown in the healthcare provider’s patient schedule. This is a visual issue; the functionality is working correctly otherwise.

    We are reporting this as a priority 4 issue via InStatus because Support has received several tickets about it. We do not send email notifications for priority 4 issues to avoid spamming.

    Please contact for further questions.

Priority 2: Investigation into possible issue with automatic protocol changes
  • Monitoring

    We contacted all organizations of the affected patients by the end of the afternoon. An initial fix has been implemented in the system this evening. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will apply manual corrections if necessary.

  • Identified

    Unfortunately, we have seen that the issue has occurred more frequently. Protocol switches via alert workflows or schedules occasionally fail, affecting 0.25% of the total active patient population.

    • We have classified the problem as a priority 2 critical issue.

    • We will send the list of patients with the relevant protocol switches.

    • If desired, we can assist with the correction. Please let us know if, and for which patients, we can still perform the switch (either at the time the switch should have occurred or now).

    For further questions, please contact

  • Investigating

    Engels: We are currently investigating a potential issue where automatic protocol changes based on protocol schedules did not occur for two protocols. We have manually transferred the patients and informed the relevant customers. Our developers are investigating the scope and root cause of the problem. Since we do not yet have a clear understanding of the scope, we are unable to fully triage the issue.

    Action for healthcare providers: We kindly ask for your patience while we work to get a clearer view of the situation.

    For further questions, please contact

Priority 3: Issue with moment visibility on 'Home' in the mobile apps
  • Identified

    • The fix has been created by our developers and will be thoroughly tested today.

    • If the tests are successful, the solution will be deployed to the production environment.

    • This is a backend fix, meaning we can release the solution without a new app release.

  • Investigating

    We have identified an issue affecting the mobile application on both iOS and Android, regardless of the version. Normally, patients see their important moments at the bottom of the ‘Home’ section, but these are not always displayed now.

    • Unfilled moments are not visible to patients.

    • Patients cannot fill in moments (because the moment is not visible).

    • Moments become visible to patients once filled in by a healthcare provider.

    • This is a visual issue only; the functionality of the moments remains unaffected.

    Workaround: Advise healthcare providers to manually fill in the moment for schedules relying on patient-filled moments.

    For further questions, please contact

Sep 2024

Priority 4: Issue with Microsoft Entra ID SSO Login
  • Resolved

    The issue with logging in via Microsoft Entra ID has been resolved. Everything should now function as expected.

    For further questions, please contact

  • Identified

    We are currently experiencing issues with logging in via Microsoft Entra ID SSO. A login error message is displayed. Our developers are aware of the issue and are working on a solution. For now, please use the regular login method as a workaround.

    For further questions, please contact

Aug 2024

No notices reported this month

Aug 2024 to Oct 2024
