Luscii - Status Page

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Priority 3: iOS login issue for newly created patients
  • Monitoring

    The update has been approved by Apple and is now immediately available to all patients.

  • Update

    The fix has been developed and thoroughly tested. The new version is now pending approval by Apple. We’re releasing this as a hotfix, meaning it will be immediately available to all users of the Thuismeten app.

    We will notify you once it is live in the App Store.

  • Identified


    Patients created today are currently unable to log in on the iOS app.


    This only affects patients with the ‘created’ status, preventing them from using the app on iOS.

    Next steps:

    Our developers are working on a fix, which is expected within a few hours.

    A possible workaround would be: Let the patient log in on an Android device first. After that, login on iOS should work.

    For questions:

Performance Issues: Slow Application and Time-outs
  • Monitoring

    Yesterday an update was done to our applications in which we upgraded our infrastructure as well as made some significant changes to the parts that load the data for our web app specifically in the dashboard page. While monitoring our peak times we have not seen the same extreme delays we saw a week or two ago anymore. More improvements are being worked on by our development teams and will be released in the coming weeks.

  • Identified


    The past two weeks the application has sometimes been very slow, causing long wait times for results. In some cases, results are not displayed at all, and a timeout occurs. Multiple fixes have already been released to make sure the application functions at a normal speed. At the moment the application seems stable.

    Next steps

    We are further investigating this issue with high urgency and are working on more fixes that will be released next week to improve the performance of the application. We will keep you updated on further developments.

    For questions, please contact

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